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Knight Apparel USA INC® is a privately owned Direct-Manufacturing and Wholesaling company formed to conduct all manufacturing and wholesaling operations in the U.S.A , Established in 2007. We are supplying customers internationally. We have offices in China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and etc. We are getting the best yarn costing, LDP Delivery costing, Best Labor Costing, and etc by taking advantage of our geographical locations.(Please scroll to the bottom if you are interested in what our factory is capable of doing) What you get from us is more than just a good production, we deliver constant results giving our buyers reasoning to work with us for a very long time. We are only doing large quantity productions. We are supplying Walmart in Canada and Fila inside of Europe. We hold all certificates required to conduct business internationally. You also get a family environment, commitment, dedication to getting your product developed in the best and fastest manner. Our factory has a Knit to Pack set-up, Everything is done in-house inside of Faisalabad, Pakistan. We strictly work with competitive LDP Pricing. We are not an agent company or intermediary company.
Lead Time
Sampling: 1- 2 week time-frame
Production: 3-4 Weeks
By Sea Delivery: 30 days Time-Frame
Air Shipment: 1 Week Time-Frame
1500-2000 Units
- 35% Advance Payment
- 65% Payment after the production is checked and approved by the buyer.
- Once we have built a relationship and trust. Terms might vary on the buyer.
Requirements for Costing
All Requirements for costing is listed below. We take into consideration all of the below factors to give you the best LDP Costing.
-Size Ratio
-Size Chart
-Quantity Scale
-Fabrication Content
-Packaging Instructions
-Label Specifications
With the most important part of fabric, the whole product depends on it. Knitting units of Blank Knights provides the very foundational input of the entire production process. We always prefer good quality yarn and before weaving, we do make sure the quality is best by taking various lab tests.
We are using both thermasole as well as joggers, it depends on the customer’s requirement and price range. We are well aware of dyeing procedures and the possible problems. To overcome these problems, we do the hard work to get even and better results. We do educate our concerned departments about requirement of customers and procedure to avoid quality problems. We are giving the best dyeing results approved by the SGS.
Stitching house consist of 200 Plain, Over locked, blind, gathering, lace work, embroidery and most modern machines. We have imported the most modern and fastest single needle machines producing comforts in large volume. Multi- Needle Machines We use for lead Spreads making & other products.
Embroidery in today’s market has basically become a powerful advertising tool. 90% of our orders involve clients who are putting their business or products Logo on Garments for the purpose of getting their name out in the marketplace. So embroidery has become a powerful, inexpensive way to promote a product or business. The embroidery process begins with an idea or a piece of artwork. The artwork then has to be “digitized” in a sense the “Digitizer” is program the sewing machine to sew a specific design in a specific color, with a specific type of stitch. This is the process known as Digitizing. also, because embroidery is in a sense of 3 dimensional, some exciting effects can be included to “spruce up” a normally flat piece of artwork.
Textile printing, in which fabrics are printed in colored design, is an ancient art. More recent printing processes include screen printing, a hand method especially suitable for large patterns with soft outlines. Where screens one for each color are placed on the fabric and the color paste pressed through by a wooden squeegee, spray printing, where a spray gun forces color through a screen, and electrocuting used to apply a patterned pile. Color may be applied by the various processes by the discharge method which uses chemicals to destroy a portion of a previously dyed ground or by the resist, or reserve method which prevents the development of a subsequently applied color to a portion of the fabric treated with a chemical or a mechanical resist.